Title: The Handmaiden
Client: Ink Paper Auteur Cinema Group
Description: It is 10-colour silkscreen poster in a size of 24″x36″. It is directed by a genius director, Chan-wook Park. In 1930’s Korea during Japanese occupation, a young lady is hired as a new handmaiden to a Japanese heiress who lives a secluded life in a mansion with her uncle. The handmaiden is secretly involved in a plot with a Japanese Count to defraud the heiress’s fortune… But soon after, she finds the uncle’s dungeon room for his fetish, and also finds herself in love with the heiress.
The story is very sensual and erotic, and composition of the story telling is incredible; I enjoy the movie. My boyfriend and I didn’t really know what to expect (some lesbian sex scenes and bondage scenes!!), so our mouths were wide opened in shocked during the movie!! But again, Chan-wook Park filmed it in such a beautiful way.
Thumbnails go to…
I wanted to go for very subtle but heavily sensual image, so my favorite was either #1 or #4. If you saw the movie, you understand how important these bells (or a pair of metallic balls) are. It hangs from peonies with honey dropping out. #4 is a famous bath tub scene; the handmaiden and the heiress caught the feeling for each other for the first time. I want them to bathing in a peony, water spreading out on a floor and whatnot… But, the client picked #3; which I also like. It’s more direct and leaves great impact at sight. It gives soft and warmer tone of these two ladies, but also feeling like they’re trapped. Their hair is also a sensual part of the story, so I’m glad they chose this one at the end.
Final sketch and color comp. It’s all good to go!
Now the final drawing is…
Yes, it was huge and big drawing to ink, but I loved it!
Thank you Francis and the team for this project!